Uber pays $178 million to end legal battle with Australian taxi chauffeurs

Uber pays $178 million to end legal battle with Australian taxi chauffeurs

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Global rideshare giant Uber will pay $178 million to settle a long-running conflict with Australian taxi and hire carsandtruck motorists who lost out when the business gotin the Australian market

SYDNEY — Global rideshare giant Uber will pay 272 million Australian dollars ($178 million) to settle a long-running conflict with Australian taxi and hire vehicle motorists who lost out when the business wentinto the Australian market.

A class action versus Uber hadactually been anticipated to go to trial in the Supreme Court of Victoria on Monday, however Maurice Blackburn Lawyers — representing 8,000 taxi and hire automobile chauffeurs — stated the case will be dropped duetothefactthat Uber concurred to the monetary settlement.

Maurice Blackburn principal attorney Michael Donelly stated that motorists and carsandtruck owners suffered monetary losses due to Uber’s aggressive entry into the market in 2012 and

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