Walmart broadens health services to address racial inequality

Walmart broadens health services to address racial inequality

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NEW YORK — Walmart is broadening health care protection for staffmembers who desire to employ the services of a doula, a individual experienced to help ladies throughout pregnancies, to address racial injustices in maternal care.

After veryfirst offering doulas to staffmembers in Georgia last year, the country’s biggest merchant stated Wednesday that it will broaden the exactsame advantage to its workers in Louisiana, Indiana and Illinois.

Black ladies are 3 times more mostlikely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than white females, mostly due to distinctions in the quality of health care, underlying persistent conditions and structural bigotry, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Employing a doula as a part of a birth group reduces C-sections by 50%, reduces the time of labor by 25% and reduces the requirement for other medical interventions by more than 50%, according to the National Black Doulas Association.

Walmart stated it selected to extend protection to L

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