How Sodexo’s CEO Manages Global Strategy Across 50 Countries

How Sodexo’s CEO Manages Global Strategy Across 50 Countries

8 minutes, 18 seconds Read
July 10, 2024

As the chair and CEO of Sodexo, the France-based food services and centers management business, Sophie Bellon leads one of the biggest companies in the world, with front-line employees in almost 50 nations. Managing that laborforce—and the supply chains that makeitpossiblefor them to do their tasks—is a complex endeavor that includes balancing both international method with regional execution.

In this episode, Harvard Business Review executive editor Alison Beard sits down with Bellon to talkabout her approaches to skill management, ecological sustainability, and supply chain durability—all while driving future development.

Key episode subjects consistof: method, development technique, skill management, operations and supply chain management, supply chain management, ecological sustainability, food and drink sector.

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