Gardening by the Moon

Gardening by the Moon

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Discover the appeal of Ethno-Astro-Botanicals for healthy wellbeing and plentiful greenlife

Ethnobotany is the researchstudy of how people have constantly depended on plants for food, shelter, clothes and more. If we include in the essential pattern language of astrology, then we have Ethno-Astro-Botany, a triumvirate/intersection of practical magic, assistance and motivation for how to effectively live a human life here on Earth. Two particular types are Astro-Botanicals and Lunar Gardening.


As worlds and plants can each be revealed in an essential language, they can be quickly and successfully integrated. The method to comprehend how to usage plants both medicinally and amazingly is to comprehend their essential expression and how it links to planetary understanding.

Plants can be damaged down into the 4 components, each having their own special structure of earth, air, fire and water. This is the base upon which organic medication is developed, and can likewise be connected to the qualities of the worlds in astrology, producing an arc of understanding and application that can be utilized as an alchemical bridge to use the impacts of the worlds and plants to advantage the human mind and body.


Saturn is the farthest noticeable world. It is slow-moving, really cold and dry, melancholic and heavy. In excess, the residentialorcommercialproperties of Saturn will cause life to decrease. It is the world of positioning with natural law, tough work, discipline, and ultimate proficiency. Saturn is the higher malefic, and we do well to take our Saturn work seriously as it’s what makes our lives work, or not.

Saturn guidelines yin Capricorn and yang Aquarius, as well as our bones and teeth.

Qualities of Saturn plants consistof dangerous plants, edge-dwellers, plants that impact our bones, prohibited plants, plants that grow in the shade or in bad soil.

Saturn plants | Belladonna, comfrey, foxglove, mandrake.

Belladonna, mandrake and foxglove are all medical plants, if utilized internally in the appropriate dose. If improperly used, they are extremely harmful. A moresecure method to usage them in your garden is as defense. Comfrey is likewise called knit-bone. It is a impressive therapist that can decrease bruising and assistance skin injuries knit back together more rapidly. Use them on Satur(n)day for finest outcomes.


Jupiter is the terrific benefic whose residentialorcommercialproperties are warm and damp, making it extremely great at promoting life and development. Jupiter is the world of growth, great fortune and cosmic trueblessings. When we work our Jupiter, doors open large and abundance and chances circulation in.

Jupiter guidelines yang Sagittarius and yin Pisces, plus kidneys, ears, memory and the brain.

Qualities of Jupiter plants are big and healthy. They impact the liver and digestion system.

Jupiter plants | Borage, sage, fig.

Borage is a really generous plant in terms of nectar for pollinators, important fatty acids for individuals, and a great kidney flush when utilized as a tea. Sage is a gastrointestinal that promotes the production of bile, which assists break down Jupiter-rich foods, while figs nourish the digestion system. If you work with these plants on a Thursday, you will get optimum advantages.


Mars is the red world, intemperately hot and dry, quickly exaggerating it and being troublesome for life. Mars is the world of offense, defence, war, enthusiasm and competitors. It teaches us to have a working immune system and how to secure ourselves.

Mars guidelines yang Aries and yin Scorpio, as well as the red blood cells, the sex organs, the blood, and crucial life energy.

Characteristics of Mars-ruled plants consistof plants that might aggravate the skin, strong spicy scents, warming plants, those that enhance the immune system, and plants of security.

Mars plants | Garlic, pepper, thistle.

Garlic is great for the immune system, safeguards you from vampires and decreases blood pressure. Cayenne peppers can lower high blood pressure and supplies additional defense for the stomach versus infections. Milk thistle secures the liver and enhances the immune system. Take these herbs on a Tuesday to tap into the Mars day power.


Venus balances out Mars with her womanly focus on connection and appeal. As the lower benefic, she too promotes life and development. Venus guidelines love and cash. She reveals how we drawin to ourselves what we requirement and our capability for satisfaction. I like to believe of Venus and Jupiter as greenhouses breaking with fertile life.

Venus guidelines yin Taurus and yang Libra, plus the face, body, the genitalareas, sexual fluids, and ojas (Sanskrit for “essence of vigor”). Characteristics of Venus ruled plants are lovely, aromatic, appealing flowers, soft furry leaves and aphrodisiacs.

Venus plants | Roses, violet, vanilla.

You can make an aphrodisiac cordial or a bath tea utilizing these plants to boost Venus in your life. Make the medication or take the bath on a Friday
for optimum advantages.


Mercury is a neutral world, showing both manly and womanly qualities. He has the distinct capability of any world to be able to relocation inbetween the upper world and the underworld. Mercury, or Hermes, is the initial god of magic. His emerald tablets are the source of the creed, “As above, so listedbelow”, offering the system by which astrology and magic function.

Mercury is the planetary god of interaction, commerce and travel. It guidelines yang Gemini and yin Virgo, the lungs, the anxious system, arms and hands.

Qualities of Mercury plants affect the anxious and breathing systems, and plants that have umbels.

Mercury plants | Mint, clary sage, elecampane.

You can make tea or cast utilizing mint and elecampane for breathing assistance, while clary sage assists with nerve discomfort. Use on a Wednesday.

The Moon

The Moon guidelines all the waters, being the guv of tides of all sorts, consistingof menstrual cycles and feelings. The Moon brightens our innermost psychological self, it is how we knowledgeable life through our mom and how we nourish ourselves.

The Moon guidelines Cancer, along wi

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