Air taxis cleared for Paris Olympics, Macron provided seat on veryfirst flight

Air taxis cleared for Paris Olympics, Macron provided seat on veryfirst flight

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Air taxis haveactually been cleared for launch throughout the Paris Olympics — and President Macron hasactually been used a seat on the veryfirst flight.

German start-up Volocopter will provide the flying taxis. A barge on the River Seine will supply a small airport for the lorries.

The French federalgovernment verified the prepares on Tuesday. In an authorities degree, public authorities called the terminal the “Vertiport de Paris-Austerlitz.”

The airport will accommodate vertical departure and landing (VTOL) lorries. Volocopter’s all-electric Volocity is the just air taxi authorised to usage the terminal.


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The two-seater, 18-rotor craft made the rubber stamp after over a year of screening. It can now appearance forward to flights over the Paris Olympics, which start on July 26.

Volocopter will, nevertheless, have to abide by stringent standards.

The vertiport can just run 2 flights per hour and 900 throughout the whole “experiment,” which needto end by December31 It can likewise just stay open inbetween 08: 00 and 17: 00.

Air taxi companies hope that the trial provides a springboard for the market. Macron has likewise provided strong assistance for their goals. He now has a opportunity to test the VTOLs out for himself.

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Artist's rendering of VoloCity air taxi flying over Paris.
Artist’s rendering of VoloCity flying over Paris. Credit: Volocopter

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