Blue Origin launch is ‘life-changing experience’ for previous NASA prospect

Blue Origin launch is ‘life-changing experience’ for previous NASA prospect

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Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket lifts off from Texas. The company owned by Jeff Bezos on Sunday completed its first successful mission after a failed launch in 2022. On board the flight was former Air Force pilot Ed Dwight, who at age 90 finally flew to space after being turned down by NASA in the 1960s. Photo courtesy of Blue Origin

Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket raises off from Texas. The business owned by Jeff Bezos on Sunday finished its veryfirst effective objective after a stoppedworking launch in2022 On board the flight was previous Air Force pilot Ed Dwight, who at age 90 lastly flew to area after being turned down by NASA in the 1960s. Photo courtesy of Blue Origin

May 19 (UPI) — Blue Origin on Sunday finished its veryfirst effective crewed flight in almost 2 years, marking a satisfied dream for Ed Dwight, who lastly reached area after being turned down by NASA 60 years back.

The New Shepard rocket and pill took off at 9: 36 a.m. CT from Blue Origin’s launch website in West Texas.

NS-25 is Blue Origin’s seventh crewed flight to date. The capsul brought 6 guests aboard, consistingof Dwight, a 90-year-old retired Air Force Captain who practically endedupbeing the United State’s veryfirst Black astronaut.

President John F. Kennedy suggested Dwight for NASA in1961 Dwight passed the preliminary round of training at the Aerospace Research Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base.

NASA, nevertheless, did not choose Dwight as an astronaut. After retiring from the Air Force in 1966, he went into the personal sector, eventually making a master of fine arts degree and working as a carver out of his own studio in Denver.

“I idea I didn’t requirement it in my life,” Dwight stated after the pill landed at 9: 46 a.m. CT. “But I lied. I truly, truly did requirement it.”

“It’s a life-altering experience. Everybody requires to do this.”

During the 10-minute suborbital journey, travelers reached an elevation of about 65 miles, a coupleof miles above the Kármán line, the globally acknowledged limit where external area starts.

Passengers got to experience about 3 minutes of weightlessness and the

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