Covid vaccines might be at fault for ‘unprecedented’ excess deaths giventhat pandemic: Netherlands researchstudy

Covid vaccines might be at fault for ‘unprecedented’ excess deaths giventhat pandemic: Netherlands researchstudy

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Covid vaccines may be at fault for 'unprecedented' excess mortalities since pandemic: Netherlands study

A brand-new researchstudy recommends that COVID-19 vaccines might be partly accountable for the boost in “unprecedented” excess deaths in the United States and other Western nations in the 3 years because the pandemic started.

The discovery comes after researchers in the Netherlands examined death information from 47 Western nations, which discovered that death rates haveactually increased and “remained high” consideringthat 2020, the New York Post reports. Researchers recommend COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame and advised federalgovernments and policymakers to conduct extensive examinations.

Researchers wr

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