Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin Falls Victim to Twitter Hack – Beware of Shared Links

Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin Falls Victim to Twitter Hack – Beware of Shared Links

Source: AdobeStock / Sergey Nivens

Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin has supposedly had his X (formerly Twitter) account jeopardized.

In a now-deleted tweet, the hacked account declared that Consensys will launch a celebratory NFT to commemorate the arrival of the Proto-Danksharding function to Ethereum.

The hacker utilized Buterin’s account to share a malicious link, attracting victims with the guarantee of the totallyfree NFT. 

However, when victims linked their wallets, their funds were taken.

On September 9, Dmitry Buterin, Vitalik’s dad, revealed the hack on X and stated that Vitalik was working on restoring control of his account. 

“Disregard this post, obviously Vitalik hasactually been hacked. He is working on bringback gainaccessto,” Vitalik’s daddy stated in the tweet. 

Users Fell Victim to the Scam

The fraud has led to substantial monetary losses for victims who fell victim and clicked on the destructive link. 

According to blockchain privateinvestigator ZachXBT, over $691,000 was jointly lost by people who clicked on the misleading link.

He exposed that the most important NFT taken so far was CryptoPunk #3983, valued at roughly $250,543.

A number of crypto users likewise reported that they lost some important NFTs to the fraud.  

One X user, Satoshi 767, questioned Buterin’s security procedures and recommended that he needsto take duty fo

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