Heroes of the Dark’s mostrecent character is Avikelara, the Nightmare Queen, who specialises in drainingpipes her opponent’s lifeforce

Heroes of the Dark’s mostrecent character is Avikelara, the Nightmare Queen, who specialises in drainingpipes her opponent’s lifeforce

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Gameloft has revealed that a brand-new character is making its method into Heroes of the Dark. Her name is Avikelara, the Nightmare Queen. With a title like that, you’re mostlikely not anticipating her to be the friendliest of folk, something that’s verified when you find she offers with her opponents by bleeding them out and gradually drainingpipes their life force.

That all sounds properly frightening, however what does it equate to in Herores of the Dark? Well, Avikelara’s active capability is called Heartseeker and sees the Nightmare Queen lashing her targets with a whip, piercing them.

Beyond that, she has 3 passives. The veryfirst is Bloody Hell, which grants Avikelara extra Attack Speed and Power for every opponent that’s Bleeding. Meanwhile, Sweet Suffering uses a stack of Bleedi

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