The 2023 World Triathlon Championships in Pontevedra were effectively provided from 22-24 September and the Spanish city put on an extraordinary closing event in the Plaza de España on Sunday night. The event followed on from the Age-Group and Para Mixed Relay podium discussions and the plaza was a hive of activity and post-race events, with thousands of professionalathletes and goodfriends of the triathlon neighborhood in participation. Marisol Casado, President of World Triathlon and IOC Mcinder along with delegates from the City of Pontevedra and Local Organising Committee of the occasion provided speeches and praised the world triathletes on their extraordinary efficiencies at the World Triathlon Championships.
Across the week thousands of triathletes and groups gathered to the Spanish city to takepart in the peak occasion on the World Triathlon race calendar which includes the Age-Group Super-Sprint, Standard-Distance and Aquabike Standard-Distance World Championships, U23 and Para World Championships, Elite Championship Finals as well as a Para Mixed Relay display occasion. Nearly 2,200 Age-Group professionalathletes completed in Pontevedra throughout the schedule, representing 46 nations. 30 world champ titles were granted in the Age-Group Super-Sprint classifications from ages 16-85, 14 podiums throughout Age-Group Aquabike Standard-Distance and the exactsame for the Age-Group Standard-Distance World Championships/
“It is time for me to close out the 2023 World Triathlon Championship Finals Pontevedra and show on a impressive long weekend of racing that has genuinely revealed the really best of our spo