Themajorityof of Pedro Alonso Pablos’ Animated Feature Films, Almost Entirely Made by Himself, Are Now Available for Purchase

Themajorityof of Pedro Alonso Pablos’ Animated Feature Films, Almost Entirely Made by Himself, Are Now Available for Purchase

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Most of Pedro Alonso Pablos' Animated Feature Films, Almost Entirely Made by Himself, Are Now Available for Purchase

Madrid, Spain, January 30, 2024 –(– Film director Pedro Alonso Pablos, from Spain, hasactually made 7 animated function movies currently, with the particularity that they haveactually been made nearly completely by himself.

The veryfirst and 2nd ones (“The course of the elephants” and “Triskipolis”) were aired in the UnitedStates through the popular Amazon Prime Video service. Other movies haveactually been progressively introduced through his own site/platform generally for a Spanish audience in the past years.

The veryfirst 4 of them now have English subtitles readilyavailable, although all of them are prepared to be bought on the UnitedStates.

Pedro has invested a fantastic time developing those movies and introducing them. As he makes them practically totally by himself, he has established a specific animated “cinematographic language,” motivated on the emojis and other popular culture properties. He confesses that he hasactually made an effort to streamline that “film language” in order for the movies to be finished (it’s a tough work to make a movie nearly just by one individual); the outcome are these movies, whose soundtracks haveactually been likewise madeup and carriedout by Pedro in their bulk.

Pedro began making these movies in 2016, and consideringthat 2019 he ha

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