Angler finagles record rainbow trout through small hole in ice

Angler finagles record rainbow trout through small hole in ice

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Ice fishing alone on a pond in Rhode Island, Zachary Taylor landed a 15-pound, 12-ounce rainbow trout, pulling it through a 6-inch hole in the ice and rightaway exclaiming, “I think I got the state record infant!”

Taylor took the catch to Jerry’s Bait and Tackle in Milford where authorities from the Fish and Wildlife Department at the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management verified the fish as a state record, as reported by The Valley Breeze.

The catch at Peck Pond on Jan. 18 wentbeyond the old mark of 12 pounds, 9.12 ounces.

“I did not anticipate that or expect that, it was rather the surprise and very amazing

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