Rob Pelinka, Darvin Ham desire Russell Westbrook to put defense veryfirst

Rob Pelinka, Darvin Ham desire Russell Westbrook to put defense veryfirst

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Over the last lots years or so, Russell Westbrook hasactually been one of the NBA’s muchbetter gamers.

He hasactually been called to 9 All-Star groups and was granted the 2017 routine season MVP award, and he has balanced a triple-double in 4 of the past 6 seasons.

However, the Los Angeles Lakers guard hasactually endedupbeing a lightning rod for criticism due to his unequal videogame.

Although he is still really efficient in assaulting and scoring at the rim, striking the open guy, rebounding and pressing the rate, he has had issues dedicating turnovers and striking shots outdoors the paint.

Then there is his defense, which hasactually been explained as indifferent, partially due to his propensity to leave his male priorto the end of ownerships to chase defensive rebounds.

Two of the most main figures in

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