Uncommon white bald eagle identified ‘just in time for World Cup win’

Uncommon white bald eagle identified ‘just in time for World Cup win’

0 minutes, 37 seconds Read

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation on Wednesday shared video of a unusual white bald eagle that was found “just in time for that World Cup win” by the U.S. nationwide soccer group over Iran. (See video listedbelow.)

Bald eagles, the nationwide symbol of the United States giventhat 1782, are marvelous birds of victim recognizable by their white crowns and tail plumes. The white plumes are in plain contrast to their dark brown bodies and wings.

The Oklahoma sighting included a leucistic bald eagle. Leucism is a hereditary condition in which typical coloring does not establish in animals. Leucistic animals are primarily white, however not thoughtabout albino.

“Leucistic bald eagles are unusual,” the ODWC highlighted in its tweet.


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