Boris Johnson desired to be injected with Covid on TELEVISION -consultant

Boris Johnson desired to be injected with Covid on TELEVISION -consultant

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Image source, PA Media By Kate Whannel Political pressreporter, BBC News Boris Johnson “wanted to be injected with Covid-19 on tv” to calm public worries, an ex-aide has stated. The claim – by Lord Lister – came in a witness declaration to the Covid questions. He stated Mr Johnson “suggested to senior civil servants and advisors that he desired to be injected with Covid-19 on tv to show to the public that it did not position a hazard”. It was “at a time when Covid was not seen as being the major illness it consequently endedupbeing”, he included. He stated it was an “unfortunate remark” that hadactually been “made in the heat of the minute”. He likewise verified his previous employer had stated letting “the bodies stack high” was moresuitable to another lockdown. The remark was made in September 2020 however veryfirst reported in April 2021, At the time, Mr Johnson dismissed the report, calling it “total rubbish”. Lord Edward Udny-Lister stated the remark was made at a time when the federalgovernment was “trying to prevent a evenmore lockdown offered the currently serious effect on the economy and education”. On Tuesday, the Covid questions was likewise revealed messages in which the head of the civil service Simon Case stated of his Downing Street coworkers: “These individuals are so mad… they are simply so incredibly self-defeating. I’ve neverever seen a lot of individuals less fullyequipped to run the nation.” And entries from the 2020 journals of Sir Patrick Vallance exposed that the then-chief clinical consultant felt Mr Johnson was “all over the location” on the problem of carryingout a 2nd lockdown. Lord Lister is a veteran ally of Mr Johnson, having worked with him throughout his time as mayor of London and prime minister. In his proof session to the Covid questions, which lasted over 2 hours, Lord
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